Mentions légales




Raison sociale de la société exploitante : Hôtel "L'ILOT FLEURI"

Responsable et administrateur de la publication : M. J.J. DERMAUT
Email :
Téléphone : +33(0)4 71 14 82
Numéro individuel d'identification de TVA (intracommunautaire) : FR69719400616
Numéro de Siret : 531 274 553 00019
Crédits photos : © Hôtel l'Ilot Fleuri

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Company name of the operating company: Hotel "L'ILOT FLEURI"

Person in charge and administrator of the publication: M. J.J. DERMAUT 


Telephone: +33(0)4 71 14 82 

Individual VAT identification number (intra-community): FR69719400616 

Siret number: 531 274 553 00019 

Photo credits: © Hotel l'Ilot Fleuri 


By accessing this site, you are informed that the use of the Internet requires compliance with a set of laws relating in particular to copyright and the Data Protection Act. HOTEL L'ILOT FLEURI cannot be held liable for errors or omissions, the publisher also reserving the right to modify and update the data on the site at any time. COPYRIGHT

In application of the French Code of Intellectual Property, the reproduction for a use other than private, the sale, the distribution, the publication, the adaptation or the communication, partial or integral, of the data (presentation, layout of the site, photos, texts and illustrations protected by copyright) are strictly subject to the prior written authorization of the holders of the rights mentioned above. COMPUTER AND FREEDOM

Any user who has submitted directly or indirectly personal information has a right of access and rectification in accordance with law n° 7817 of 6/01/78 (Computing and Freedom) with the site administrator.




Bedrijfsnaam van de werkmaatschappij: Hotel "L'ILOT FLEURI"

Verantwoordelijke en beheerder van de publicatie: M. J.J. DERMAUT 


Telefoon: +33(0)4 71 14 82 

Individueel btw-identificatienummer (intracommunautair): FR69719400616 

Siret-nummer: 531 274 553 00019 

Fotocredits: © Hotel l'Ilot Fleuri 


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Ragione sociale della società operativa: Hotel "L'ILOT FLEURI"

Responsabile e amministratore della pubblicazione: M. J.J. DERMAUT 


Telefono: +33(0)4 71 14 82 

Partita IVA individuale (intracomunitaria): FR69719400616 

Numero di siret: 531 274 553 00019 

Crediti fotografici: © Hotel l'Ilot Fleuri


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In applicazione del Codice francese della proprietà intellettuale, la riproduzione per un uso diverso da quello privato, la vendita, la distribuzione, la pubblicazione, l'adattamento o la comunicazione, parziale o integrale, dei dati (presentazione, layout del sito, foto , testi e illustrazioni protetti da diritto d'autore) sono strettamente soggetti alla preventiva autorizzazione scritta dei titolari dei diritti sopra citati. COMPUTER E LIBERTÀ

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Firmenname der Betreibergesellschaft: Hotel „L’ILOT FLEURI“

Verantwortlicher und Verwalter der Veröffentlichung: M. J. J. DERMAUT 


Telefon: +33(0)4 71 14 82 

Individuelle Umsatzsteuer-Identifikationsnummer (innergemeinschaftlich): FR69719400616 

Siret-Nummer: 531 274 553 00019 

Bildrechte: © Hotel l'Ilot Fleuri 


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